Two ginger babies. Two parents as giddy in love as the last time I saw them in front of the Arts & Heritage Museum in our hometown. 10 years of marriage. A lifetime of friendship. That’s a good night.

Ashley and I have been friends for more years than I can actually keep up with and so many of our memories are intertwined: middle school, high school, engagements, weddings, pregnancies, and a WHOLE LOT of football watching. If there is one thing our group of friends never doubted- it was that she and Cameron are a perfect match. They have always complimented each other so well and championed one another in whatever goal there was to be achieved.

I mean- I get that marriage is meant to be exactly that. But some couples just seem to pull it off a little more effortlessly than others and this duo is one of them!
It’s also so fitting to hold their session downtown. Cameron and Ashley are not only supporters of one another but also the top fan and encourager of their friends and community. You are guaranteed to see them at any local event from supporting a new restaurant that has recently opened to participating in the Rhythm & Ribs Festival. Our hometown has grown so much in the years since I have left and it is residents like these two that invest in the community and support the local endeavors to make the city better that allow that growth to happen.

Now onto these 2 gingers! I’m not sure what kind of deal their parents struck to get them to cooperate but they were camera ready. The truth is- regardless of your kiddo’s temperament during a session we WILL get something you can love, but some nights it is a little more of a challenge. This was NOT that night. Even when Kirby was reaching the end of his patience he was performing and sending smirks to the camera.

And clearly Miller was made for the camera because she was setting up poses and pulling out props. Of course I had to indulge her! 😉 And who doesn’t love watching a Kindergartener write their name with gusto and pride?!

I loved spending the evening with your crew, Ashley (& Cameron)! Thank you so much for letting me be a part of it. I look forward to many more years of memory making and picture taking! Love y’all!

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